Shipping a Car to Australia

By Bournes International Moves - March 30, 2017
Shipping a Car to Australia

One of your considerations when moving to Australia whether to ship your car. This is understandable; why change your car just to spend more money on a new one at the other end? But is it really that simple?

Unfortunately, it is actually more complicated than you might have first thought. Especially when moving Down Under.

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Shipping a car to the USA - should you ship or buy when you get there?

By Kirsty Parsons - November 20, 2014
Shipping a car to the USA - should you ship or buy when you get there?

As well as deciding on which household goods to ship you might also be considering shipping a car to the USA when you move. But should you ship or should you buy a new car when you arrive?

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Shipping cars to Zimbabwe - import regulations

By Kirsty Parsons - November 20, 2014

Please be advised that as of 30th June 2011, Zimbabwe will no longer permit the importation of second hand motor vehicles over 5 years old. In addition, Zimbabwe has also banned the import of any left hand drive vehicles of any age.

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Shipping a car to Canada

By Kirsty Parsons - November 20, 2014
Shipping a car to Canada

Wherever you're moving to in Canada, it's highly likely you'll need to be able to get around once you get there so you may be considering shipping a car to Canada too. But should you take your car with you or simply buy a new one when you get there? Here's some important information that might help with your decision...

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Should I ship my car when I move abroad?

By Kirsty Parsons - November 19, 2014
Should I ship my car when I move abroad?

It’s just one of many questions you’ll face when going through the process of an international move – but should you ship your vehicle as part of your move or buy a new one out there? And if you do ship, what do you need to do to prepare your vehicle for the move and arrange car shipping?

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