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Moving House Safely with Covid-19

Posted by Bournes Moves - September 6, 2023

Covid19 update

In the UK we have now moved into a phase of living safely with Coronavirus in a similar way that we should with other respiratory illnesses. Whilst government rules do not currently exist there are a number of actions we can all take to understand and minimise the risks during a home move. 

Living and working with Covid-19

There are simple things you can do in your daily life that will help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections and protect those at highest risk. Things you can choose to do are:

  • Get vaccinated if you are able to.
  • Let fresh air in if meeting others or working in close proximity.
  • Practise good hygiene:
    • wash your hands
    • cover your coughs and sneezes
    • clean your surroundings frequently
  • Wear a face covering or a face mask around those at highest risk. 

These actions will also help to reduce to spread of other respiratory infections such as colds and flu, which can spread easily and may also cause serious illness.

Risk Assessments and Vulnerabilities

We will continue to ask customers and employees to notify us if they have any health concerns, risks we should be aware of, or if they are in a vulnerable group so we can work together to ensure everyone’s safety.

As with all aspects of health and safety an on site dynamic risk assessment will continue to be conducted and updated. These now include Covid-19 risks such as: has someone on site developed symptoms; are workspaces well ventilated, do we provide adequate supplies where required etc and we will continue to inform all staff of any changes as and when required.

We will continue to monitor the situation and act on the most up to date government guidance as we have done throughout this pandemic, taking into consideration advice from the World Health Organisation, NHS, HSE and other official bodies and organisations.





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