Labelling your moving boxes when you move house is probably one of the most important parts of the packing process. But it's surprising how many people don't do it properly - or worse still, forget to do it at all.
If you're starting to think about packing then here's our giude to labelling your boxes correctly...
If you're moving house and handling your own packing then some items, like lamps and lampshades, can be particularly tricky. Here we show you what packing materials you will need and how to pack lamps and lampshades so that they're well protected during your move...
If you're moving house and handling your own packing then some items - like delicate glassware - can be particularly tricky. If you're packing your own goods and want to ensure they arrive safely at your new house then here's our guide on how to pack stemmed wine glasses like a pro...
If you're moving house and handling your own packing then some items, like delicate china teapots, can be particularly tricky. Here we show you how to pack a teapot and what packing materials you will need to make sure it's well protected during your move.
Organisation is the key to any successful move - especially when it comes to packing your own belongings. If you're not sure what you need to get your packing started then here's our guide to packing boxes and materials for moving house.
If you have chosen a self-pack move this useful guide aims to help you wrap, pack and protect your belongings in preparation for your move.
If you're moving house and handling your own packing, then some items like china plates and bowls can be tricky. Here we show you what packing materials you will need and how to pack plates and bowls to make sure they are well protected during your move...
If you’re moving house and handling your own packing then some items – like your fragile ornaments and figurines – can be particularly tricky.
Here we show you how to pack fragile ornaments by using the correct packing materials so that they are well protected during your move.
Image by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.
Moving house is a great time to bite the bullet and de-clutter your belongings so that only those items you really want and need make it to your new home.
Wherever you’re going and whatever the weather may be, no move would be complete without making sure you’ve packed your essentials box. if you're not sure what to include, then here our our 5 top tips for packing a winter essentials box...
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