Household Goods Shipping Conditions Update - June 2023

Posted by By Bournes Relocation Solutions - June 7, 2023

Shipping Industry Update

As most of you will know the shipping industry has faced significant challenges since the start of the pandemic which has had a major impact on the cost and service levels from Shipping Lines for container shipments for relocating employees.

The British Association of Removers has provided its latest update on the current shipping market which we wanted to share as it provides a useful and unbiased understanding of the current state of the industry and cost position.

**Please note this information is applicable to all UK international removers and is not unique to Bournes.** 

Download the latest BAR Update 

As always at Bournes our experienced team will use our best endeavours to provide an efficient and trouble-free move. This update is intended to provide you with unbiased information on the state of shipping and current challenges.

If you have any questions about the update or your individual circumstances please don't hesitate to contact us

With thanks to the British Association of Removers.

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