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How short term storage can help sell your house

Posted by Bournes Moves - September 14, 2020

how to buy a house

It's no secret amongst estate agents that decluttered houses can help you sell a property. 

Why would I need temporary storage when selling my house?

As with a lot of other things in life, presentation is key when it comes to selling your house. And one of the first things any estate agent will advise when you put your house up for sale is a good de-clutter and a litlte 'staging' to help your buyers visualise their life in your home.

Perhaps part of your pre-move preparation includes redecorating? If the builders or painters are in and you don’t want all of your furniture in the way while they’re working then storing things for a few weeks while your house is being worked on means a) the job is likely to get done quicker without any obstructions and b) you can relax in the knowledge that nothing will get damaged in the process. 

How can temporary storage help?

A removal company can safely pack, collect and store those items you don't use regularly and redeliver them when you have the keys to your new home. 

Get a quote for storage

If your pre-move de-clutter also extends to the garage, then perhaps you might want to think about really utilising space by putting any excess vehicles into storage for a while. Collectible and antique cars that need to be kept free of external damage during the moving process or things like boats, quad bikes, push bikes and motorcycles that might be taking up unnecessary space can all be kept safe in storage.

How does temporary storage work?

If you arrange temporary storage when selling your house with a removal company then this can make the whole move really easy! You can arrange for your removal company to come and pack and load the items you're storing for the sale and to return them to the secure storage facility. Once you've sold the removal company can come back and collect the rest of your belongings and bring them as well as the items they've been storing for you back all together to save arranging multiple deliveries. 

Alternatively if you prefer a self store option you can always bring your own items into store and collect them again when you're ready. 

What sort of items should I consider putting into storage when selling?

You can store most items, but here are some of the top suggestions for the items to store while you're conducting viewings:

  • Personal photos' and souveniers - a few personal touches around the home are great- a few family photos can help buyers recognise this is a great family home. However, too many personal items that look cluttered can be off putting, so try to reduce the number to a few key pieces. 
  • Un-used appliances - think about things like a coffee machine or slow cooker you rarely use but clutters your worktop. Kitchen space can be a key buying point for many so showing off how roomy your kitchen is can be a real plus point. 
  • Out of season clothes - especially if your bedrooms are cluttered with furniture and too many chests of drawers/wardrobes. 
  • Extra furniture  - have you squeezed in an extra chair at the dining table because it suits your family size? is your coffee table a bit too big for your living room and you'd prefer to show it with a bit more clear floor space? Key functional furniutre is important, but if you've got anything you don't really need that is making the space look cramped consider storing it temporarily.
  • Pieces that just 'dont go' - if you've got a clear 'style' in mind for a reoom but a piece of furniture or artwork is throwing it off, consider moving it to another room or putting it into store.
  • Excess toys - think about storing a few of the bulkier items if possible to create a bit more space, especially if childrens bikes etc. are being stored indoors. 
  • Garage items - do you use your garage as extra storage? Think about clearing it out a bit to show potential buyers it's intended purpose. 

Get a quote for storage

For all information on our long and short term storage options, please visit our dedicated Storage page.

What else can I do to get ready for viewings?

Check out our post "How to get your house ready for viewings by potential buyers" for more top tips on selling your home. 


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